Presults is listed in the FINRA Compliance Vendor Directory​

Ready for intelligent, real-time compliance?

We finally figured out the review process

Our unique and innovative approach increases your productivity and frees up your time for more important tasks.


We intelligently monitor your activity in the background, and record your reviews as evidence to satisfy auditors.

90% less to review

Come up empty on keyword searches with our pre-sending alerts. By the time an email was sent out, the issue was already remediated.

Intuitive interface

The Presults™ user-friendly CCO dashboard was designed for the way you work, with an intuitive interface and quick modern infrastructure.

Smart Pre-View™

Separate email content from signatures and long disclaimers.

The easiest way to filter out the noise and focus on the contents of archived messages and emails. We archive the full message and chat archive, but show it to you in a cleaned-up version that contains just the basic content that you need to review. By stripping the content to just the actual messages, you can quickly read the conversation and long threads.



Subject: Re: Your financial goals

Hi Jason,

Please find attached your financial outlook for the upcoming year.

Thank you,
Joan McCormick
Account Representative
Capital Management
Tel: 212-300-2020
Fax: 212-300-2021
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Tired of subpar support? From onboarding and training, to ongoing support, we're here to help you via phone, chat, or email. No robot answers, just real people with the support you need, when you need it.

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