Presults is listed in the FINRA Compliance Vendor Directory​

Ready for intelligent, real-time compliance?

Why switch to Presults?

We run our business on a SaaS model, not an old-fashioned enterprise sales model.

• White-glove customer support

Great customer support is available for everyone, not only for Platinum users, and/or for thousands of dollars annually.

• Unlimited data storage

Advances in cloud hosting technology allow us to offer unlimited web-page and email archiving, without charging extra per GB of storage.

• No long-term contracts

We don't try to hold you and your data hostage with manipulation tactics likes expensive data exports and long term contracts.

• No onboarding or export fees

No hidden fees of any kind. We don't really see the logic in charging money from a client for getting started.

• A better product experience

We invest most of our efforts in the product itself, rather than in our sales team. That means our archiving solution actually looks different than 20 years ago - which is more than can be said for some of our competitors.

• Sensible pricing

We price our services per user in your company, so if you have 4 users you don't have to switch to the Gold plan that's meant for 3-100 users.

• Access to everything we offer

Our console looks the same for everyone. We don't intentionally remove features like "Advance Search" just because your company is not on the top tier level.


Whenever you're ready...

"We get so much more from Presults than from our previous provider, and for a much lower cost. I highly recommend them."

Katie Branhoff, CISO, Bridgeform Capital

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